Sunday, May 29, 2011
Project 365:: Day 149
Day 149 Who's that weirdo????? We lazed around the house this morning as we are saving our energy for FolkLife festival!
Project 365:: Day 148
Day 148 Clark is catching up to his big brother. They are the same size in diapers and eat just about the same amount of food. Between 4 hungry boys (Kannon, Clark, Dale and Jarred) and myself, food doesn't last long! I find myself making big batches, freezing some, eating some, and hoping I will have extras for leftovers! We all LOVED this recipe for Pasta with Carrot Sauce and it is a great serving of veggies! It cost practically nothing to make!
Pasta with Carrot Sauce
You need (for 6 people)
4-5 carrots (grated on the small side of your grater)
2 cans of diced or stewed tomatoes* (you can make your own like I did, just make sure you have about 3 cups)
1 yellow onion
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 container of Crème Fraiche/Sour Cream/or Bechamel Sauce*
A few red chili flakes
A few springs of herbs (I used Thyme and Sage)
Salt and pepper (to taste)
Pasta (I like to use Farfalle)
1. Grate the carrots on the smallest side of your grater. A bit time consuming, I know, but I’ve tried the largest side of the grater as well as the food processor to try to cut down on prep time, and neither come out as good.
2. Chop the onion and the garlic.
*Do not add more garlic than the recipe calls for (unless you double the entire recipe). This is the one dish I have ever made where you actually can add too much garlic and it tastes horrible. I don’t know if it has something to do with the combination of carrots and garlic – whatever the reason, you don’t want to experience it.
3. Heat olive oil in a large cast iron pot (I use a big, heavy Le Creuset for this) and add the onions, salt and pepper. Sautee on med heat until they are completely soft and translucent, stirring occasionally.
4. Add the garlic, tomatoes, carrots, dried herbs and bring to a simmer. Simmer covered anywhere from 20 – 40 minutes (this is a great recipe to entertain with, since if you’re guests are not on time, just leave it simmering until they show up).
5. Cook the pasta while the sauce is simmering (or wait until your guests arrive).
6. Add the sour cream/creme fraiche/ bechamel. You don't have to add this if you are going for a vegan option but it really makes a wonderfully creamy and flavorful sauce.
7. Strain your pasta and add it right into the sauce.
8. Serve with grated Parmesan and freshly ground black pepper.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Project 365:: Day 147
Day 147 We are so grateful that Kannon is wonderful at sharing....but ouch!!! Those books must of hurt landing on Clark!!! We think that A.) Kannon gives Clark toys and books when he wakes up at night in an attempt to soothe him or B.) Kannon wakes up hoping that Clark will maybe read to him or C.) Kannon just loves sharing with his little brother!
I am up late. I can't sleep. I have too much on mind. The stress of bills, homework, studying, raising children, and a husband who works 60 hours a week is finally ravaging what little piece of strength I have left.
A friend shared this link with me and my stresses now seem dull and meaningless. I hope you take the time to see the photos and read the stories that this photographer in Joplin, MO shared. My heart goes out to the families recovering and rebuilding---to the family celebrating a birth but mourning the loss of their home; the newlyweds dealing with loss so soon; the dance studio that once housed tiny little feet. My thoughts are with all of you.
We are easily distracted and often forget how fragile life is. This year, we have been offered many reminders as we witness mother nature rip innocent lives a part. Take the time to think of others; to exchange hellos, goodbyes, and good mornings. Hug your children, your partner, your mother or father. Be grateful for the world at your fingertips. Rejoice in your struggles. Take delight in life. Life is both delicate and tenacious.
For more of the story:
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Growing Up
These boys get cuter by the day. Now, my question,
do they look anything alike?
Clark (top) and Kannon (bottom) at 7 months
Kannon (left) and Clark (right) at 4 months
Kannon (Top) and Clark (bottom) 7 months

Clark (top) and Kannon (bottom) 6 months
Clark (top) 7 months
Kannon (bottom) 7 months
Kannon (bottom) 7 months
Project 365:: Day 146
Day 146 Meet Mr. Clean. Kannon is an excellent helper and is always helping around the house. He loves spraying the floors and wiping them down but has since moved on to scrubbing our toilets. I am okay with the trade ;)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Project 365:: Day 142
Day 142 Rock 'n' rolla baby. I am sorry for all the delayed postings. We have so much going on right now. Between studying, Dale working 10 days in a row, and my best friend moving away, our lives are fairly occupied. I meant to post on Saturday night and ended falling asleep, my nose deep in the crack of my math book, for 12 hours. Yes, that is exactly how tired we are. At least we have cuties to keep us awake during the day!
Project 365:: Day 141
Day 141 We took a quick trip to the park before the rain came back. We had a picnic lunch and both boys were very happy. Kannon waved to me from the slide before coming down for some yummy food and Clark was almost picked on by a crow. PS, Did I mention that Kannon got pooped on by a bird last week? Birds arent really are friends these days.
Project 365:: Day 140
Day 140 The weather gave us a small break for a pool party. Kannon and Emma had a blast. Too bad its back to clouds and rain today. I keep telling my kids that summer will come, soon.
Friday, May 20, 2011
photo therapy:: 18 months
I am so blessed to be the mother of this kid. Kannon is my joy, my frustration, my happiness and sadness all in one. He makes us laugh, cry, and almost pee our pants.
Kannon is growing up day by day and learning like a sponge. He jumps, bounces, and runs off beds (yes, now you understand the wet pants). His voice is becoming apparent as he squeals out an occasional "hello" or "buh bye".
To our surprise, he said "hello, brother" and "I love you". Of course, they are mumbled half-syllable sentences but we love hearing those sweet words nonetheless.
We had a spree of visitors and headed to Mount Vernon to look at the tulip fields. We had a wonderful time as we rode tractors and swept away to another time and place.
Kannon is growing up and we are savoring every day until I start work full-time and send Kannon to preschool----yes, preschool.
I am hoping to squeeze one more photo session in before I head to Phoenix for my Teach For America institute training but I am not promising anything. So this may be the last of photo sessions for a while. In the meantime, wander over to Domestic Adventures, our family blog featuring a 365-Ipod Photo Project.
Kannon is growing up day by day and learning like a sponge. He jumps, bounces, and runs off beds (yes, now you understand the wet pants). His voice is becoming apparent as he squeals out an occasional "hello" or "buh bye".
To our surprise, he said "hello, brother" and "I love you". Of course, they are mumbled half-syllable sentences but we love hearing those sweet words nonetheless.
We had a spree of visitors and headed to Mount Vernon to look at the tulip fields. We had a wonderful time as we rode tractors and swept away to another time and place.
Kannon is growing up and we are savoring every day until I start work full-time and send Kannon to preschool----yes, preschool.
(This is my favorite pic of all!!!)
I am hoping to squeeze one more photo session in before I head to Phoenix for my Teach For America institute training but I am not promising anything. So this may be the last of photo sessions for a while. In the meantime, wander over to Domestic Adventures, our family blog featuring a 365-Ipod Photo Project.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
photo therapy:: family
After 18 months of parenthood and 2 1/2 years of marriage, Dale and I finally got some family photos taken. I found an amazing deal through Chalk Ballerina Photography and surprised Dale with some camera time. We met at Revel, which is a photographer's dream, and Charis (the photographer) snapped away. We are pretty happy with the results.
Project 365:: Day 137
Day 137 These cuties had their well checks this morning. Clark is now 26 inches and 16 lbs. Kannon is 32 inches and 24 lbs. Both boys are falling in the 25th and 50th percentiles for their ages. As we suspected they are both completely normal.
Project 365:: Day 136
Day 136 My husband does not drink coffee. I have long hoped that my husband develop a habit of coffee and the morning paper but in our almost 3 years of marriage---it hasn't happened. I make a full pot and everyday, I drink it all by myself. Except today. Dale was drinking a cup of jo' in the morning sunlight. He admits that he wants to develop a more normal routine despite his insane schedule. So finally, I have a coffee partner. And just in time.....I heard on the radio this morning that small amount of coffee can reduce your chances for prostate cancer. So manly men, drink your coffee!
Project 365:: Day 135
Day 135 Why did I take a picture of some artwork at Revel? For many reasons. One, this painting is shockingly similar to my professor and dean while in college, Dr. Arthur Fisher. I sat beneath this painting, studying and reading education textbooks for the first time since I graduated college. The person that got me through some of those most challenging and rewarding years was good ole' Dr. Fisher. Halfway through my cup of coffee and well immersed into "Teaching as Leadership" I was feeling the groove. I was already thinking about my years in college, learning and practicing my passion. Somewhere, I became misguided but am now on the right track again. Imagine my surprise, when reflecting on past, to look up and see a familiar face. There all along, supporting and encouraging my vision and passions, was Dr. Fisher (in addition to so many other faces). I am thankful for all of my experiences and even more thankful for the people that have stood behind me. I am grateful for my accomplishments and excited to embark on yet another journey. My formal 5-week training and introduction into Teach for America is less than 3 weeks away and I am drowning in emotions---both excitement and nerves. Now, is this painting really Dr. Fisher? I haven't gotten an answer but in my heart it is.
(Here is an old pic of the famous leader....add a few years and you have the above painting)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Project 365:: Day 134
Day 134 We were blessed with a few hours of sunshine yesterday. We took advantage of the sunshine and entertained ourselves with Kannon's water table. All was well and good, until well, this picture. Kannon got Clark!!! The poor kid was surprised when that cold water hit him!
Project 365:: Day 133
Day 133 Kannon always runs to the car shopping cart when we are at Fred Meyer. He pretends steering and waves at all the passerbys. It won't be long before Clark is sharing that seat next to him!
Project 365:: Day 132
Day 132 The rainy weather cried out to us. We healed ourselves with a little homemade wonton soup. Yep, handmade dumpling dough and everything. So delicious!!!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Project 365:: day 130
Day 130. Best coffee-doughnut date ever! Now if only I
Could study! That studmuffin is sure distracting!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Project 365:: Day 129
Day 129 Now that everyone is gone we are so lonely! We headed to our favorite coffee shop for a java boost and playtime. The boys love this place! I plan to spend many hours here this week as I study for my placement exams and complete my pre-institute work! Eeeks!
PS Daddy, thanks for the delicious gumbo. It satisfied my hungry belly late in the evening! Also, I used your BBQ rib idea and Dale and I were both very satisfied with the outcome. Yummmm...BBQ Sauce!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Project 365:: Day 128
Day 128 Doesn't this look d-lish? We have been lucky having my dad in town to treat us to some real home cookin'. We celebrated our last night with Pops in town by sinking our teeth into some rib eyes. I am still in a food coma!
Project 365:: Day 127
Day 127 Uncle Sam showed us his soft side this week. He had no problem with babies bouncing on him, toddlers screaming in his face, and even sneaked a few cuddles in. We miss him already!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Project 365:: Day 125
Day 125 We started the day of with smiles and cheers. Everyone got some sleep and Clark even got to come cuddle for a few minutes. This kid has so much to say every morning. I am pretty sure he was yelling at us this morning for all the laughter downstairs last night. He wanted to play too!
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